Boing / Jeppesen übernimmt Foreflight

Nach einer Zeit der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Boing / Jeppesen und Foreflight hat Boing nun Foreflight übernommen. Es wird spannend sein was sich aus dieser Allianz entwickeln wird. Im Moment sind noch keine klaren Aussagen vorhanden.
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Hier der Originaltext:

In July 2017, we announced our strategic alliance with ForeFlight, the general aviation industry’s leading flight deck solution. It was something the market had been requesting for a long time. Since that announcement, it has been a powerful pairing of the world’s best aeronautical data from Jeppesen and ForeFlight’s unparalleled design and user experience.
Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have taken this alliance to the next level and acquired ForeFlight.
What does this mean for you? Short-term, nothing is changing—we are still providing a blend of the best features and functionalities of each application. Looking forward, expect faster delivery of the innovation you have come to expect from ForeFlight and Jeppesen, and a greater integration of services for an even more intuitive experience.


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